Growing Gifts

When you buy one of our Domestic or Commercial Polytunnels (Excludes Mini Polytunnel) you will receive a Lucky Bag full of polytunnel goodies.

Top polytunnel book

A best selling polytunnel book by Andy McKee and Mark Gatter How to Grow Food in Your Polytunnel all Year Round.

Everything you need to know can be found within this book, whether you're a novice or an old hand, this book offer fantastic insight and will ensure you're polytunnel is a thriving hub of activity all year round..

Top polytunnel books

Crop wheel

A wealth of growing information...when to sow, grow, harvest and a really useful measuring device too.

The First Tunnels Crop wheel has been developed working with real polytunnel gardeners, to give you all the crop information you could need in one handy device. When to sow? What type of soil? How far apart? How long to germinate? Get the answers to these and many more questions for over 35 of the most popular crops. PLUS...the crop wheel also doubles up as a measuring tape for your crop spacing and planting.

Crop wheel

Tomato seeds

Tomatoes are always a really popular choice with polytunnel gardeners. In fact we don’t think we’ve ever been to a polytunnel that doesn’t have tomatoes growing inside. So we what better way to help our customers get their polytunnel gardening off to a flying start than with some top tomatoes. There’s even an online guide to growing them in our 'Top of the crops' pages, so there’s no excuse not to get growing pretty much straight away.

Tomato Seeds

All FREE when you buy a Domestic or Commercial polytunnel